Use eBay to Earn an Income Online You’ve probably read in your local newspaper, or even heard online, that people are making extra income by selling stuff on eBay. Some people do it for a little bit of extra cash, while others have made it their part-time or even their full-time job. Many of those who are doing it full time are considered by eBay to be PowerSellers. The requirement to become a PowerSeller is to be making about $1000 every month. There are also higher tiers of PowerSellers that are making at least $3000, $10,000, $25,000 and even $150,000 a month online! That is a lot of money! Just knowing that these people are out there can be comforting if you are looking into online money making opportunities for yourself. If you start small, then you’ll be able to build up money to reinvest into your eBay business. You can buy more items at wholesale prices, and resell them online and make a profit. If you continue to rein...
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